Sunday, October 28, 2007

A hello :D

Oh yes. This is Hanna, and instead of studying for calculus she's posting here.

Anywho, I just wanted to say, I gave myself admin power.
Because, it's really annoying for me to sign out of my gmail account to post.
This way I'm always signed on 8D

At least at my home computer anywho.
Plus, I use this account to post on my calculus blog.

And hopefully (although I'm not sure)
I'll get an email on new posts... since I get an email in calculus.

But of course, if you don't wish me to have it, er feel free to remove it.

Whoot for not missing extra credit.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

If you want five bonus points, email me before 7:00 am on Wednesday.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

The Grapes of Wrath

Good Saturday Morning, O' students o' mine!

I've been up since 5:00 am reading your essays. (Get out the violins and tissues here.) More importantly, it's 10: am, and my mission is complete. I know some of you have been waiting a long time, and I apologize for the delay. I will not read anymore essays until I "attack" your final papers on Monday.

You might consider helping each other and posting some essays, and/or paragraphs, and/or questions on this blog.

Have magnificent weekends, all.

Your humble servant,
Marti Buchanan

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Career Unit Assignment

._.; Seriously.
This is among the most useless assignments in school ever.
I mean yeah, it's important and stuff. To learn what we want to be, schools..etc.

But I already pretty much know exactly what I want to be. I already researched this on my own. I already know about a lot of the information and already looked at schools.

It would be much much useful if we had a few classdays where we go and talk to the counselor one on one. I mean this will at least be useful for everyone.

And perhaps everyone else would work on essays or stuff. Or some language thing. At least this doesn't take in your time.

AND even if we had to do this, there will be no grade on it. Just maybe a little completion grade on like if we actually attempted at doing this.

Seriously? Forcing me to compare two separate careers when I already know exactly what I want to do? (Yes I do know I can change and stuff, but I already done research, I already went to SCC and took a college credited class for Design to find out if I would actually like to major in it, I already have colleges in mind, I already planned my classes this year to correspond to my major, I already have an idea of the classes I wish to take next year, I already volunteer for artness, and yes I know my grammar spelling and everything is completing awful.. whoo-hoo for incredibly long run on! ._.; Why don't they at least have an alternative assignment where it can be more useful to me?

The powerpoint and presentation wasn't too helpful either.

Sorry for the rant.
I'm just not happy about this assigment.