Thursday, February 14, 2008

It is better to deserve honors and not have them than to have them and not to deserve them.
Mark Twain


Marti/APLang/FHHS said...

Need two bonus points? Post a comment about the quote. MB

Chris A said...

I really agree with this quote. It's saying that it is better, and emotionally more rewarding, to earn a reward and not receive it than it is to get a reward that you didn't truly earn.

For example, it's better to lose a competition fair and square than to cheat and win it.

Brittany J. said...

I totally agree with this quote! This quote means that it is more satisfactory to know what you earned than to receive something that you didn't earn.
I remember when I was younger I recieved a ribbon for winning a soccer tournament, but the thing was I never even played in the soccer tournament because I broke my elbow. So I didn't feel right having the ribbon. I would have rather of played in the tournament and won the tournament without receiving the ribbon, then receive the ribbon I didn't deserve.

Marti/APLang/FHHS said...

Rachel L.
4th Hour
Mark Twain's quote is a reference to a way of thinking that isn't too common in today's society. It's one thing to receive public recognition and praise for an action but the true satisfaction should be gained from just knowing you did something good. Flashy medals and trophies should not be the only way people are motivated to accomplish something, especially when they didn’t work for the rewards.

Marti/APLang/FHHS said...

The bonus point offer has expired.
Stay tuned for another quote and another chance..........mb

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